Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Good news! I am at the top of the list of who Baby Girl wants to marry! =*) As are both of the twins, an older cousin (girl of course-her favorite sitter), Baby Boy and Daddy! When I told her she might want to move away and marry someone else, tears welled in her eyes and she was just in shock, answering with "No Momma!". It was just so dang sweet, it takes the zing away from her not so great whining moments! Ha! I've got a busy week. Today, work is getting in the way (what a nuisance!) and tomorrow, I've got pictures with the kids and then a lunch date with the in-laws! The nuisance stop on Thurs. and then Baby Boy's birthday is Friday! I'm hoping we can do something fun, we'll see!

It's still miserably cold here, snow was falling Sunday and I felt like I was falling in a downward spiral of the never ending winter. Can't a girl catch a break? We were teased with two days of beauty and back to crap? Now, I know this is what spring is, but seriously, I'd like a longer span of decent weather! Please!

Now we've got this crappy misty Seattle thing happening out there. It's just depressing looking out the window!

Baby Boy is in a funk. I'm hoping it's not a cold and perhaps it may be his teeth.

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