Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wager for a Pound

My son will be one in six weeks. I am still 15 pounds (okay, 18 pounds) more than I was before I had my daughter. I'm using Lent and a wager with my boss as an incentive to lose. Carbs are my problem, also, lack of sleep as I tend to medicate myself with carbs, a beer here and there and sugar.....I get so tired that I tell myself that I DESERVE whatever I crave. I know I'm not alone, but I'm trying to tackle this in a new way.

A wager, with my boss?!?! We are not telling each other our weight, so we are going on an honor system. Since, he's a HE, the loss will be based on % rather than pounds. I tell you this as I am looking at a final roll left on my desk..focus,, my goal is to lose 12%, of course, my husband will tell me that I can't just lose the weight, I've got to get toned too..(he's so sweet, isn't he? The support is underwhelming.)....So, little by little this week, I've been taking baby steps. Relatively healthy dinners and not crazy lunch choices. Although the AMOUNT that I eat at lunch is a hindering factor....... Last night my want list (after dinner, before bed) included ice cream, pretzels, salsa and chips, and a Dora snack. Any (All) of those would've gotten me through my hunger, but my guilt would've been taking too many steps backwards! My resolution was to banish myself from the kitchen and family room and go to bed. My tiny little haven, before husband breaks the silence with his snoring that could wake the dead, but mostly the two children across the hall. So I guess denying myself life's little pleasures is what works best.

My motivation is certainly lacking, as I look outside at about 12" of relatively new snow. I can't afford a gym, I can't use the jogging stroller and I'm dead tired by the time I put the kids to bed. Note to self, any physical exertion needs to be completed by 4:00 pm, or just forget it...... I'm hoping this can be worked into my part -time schedule routine. Either that, or I win the lotto, but EVERYBODY wants to win that......I'd like to deal with some of the money problems that people have after winning the lotto. I've already got it planned out. Pay off house, put $ in kids college account, pay off car, buy husband new truck. That's it. I'd be an at home Mom, but as to not lose contact with the real world, I'd like to think I'd volunteer at the local hospital or senior center or something to 'keep it real'.

Right now, I'm the only one with me, so come on girl, get MOVING!

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