Thursday, September 25, 2008

20th High School Reunion

Well, in three days, I'll be going to my 20th High School's interesting. I haven't seen people from High School in years, other than the ones I care about (o'kay really one person), but something is drawing me in to go.

I attended my home town's annual Labor Day parade this past Sept., which was sweltering and I have to admit, the two people I did see, one I knew right away (whom obviously had a chestal enhancement) and the second one's name escaped my brain until I walked away thinking .....OMG! How could I have glazed over like that?!!!??! You know you get that thought process going, I should know this person. Look, she knows me. I should know this person. She's so sweet and nice. I know I know her, she's vaguely familiar. I should know this person....Who the hell IS she?

Thank God, my BFF (I've never used that term to describe her before, but this is the internet), whom I've known since pre-school brought some photos from the year book to a local tavern where another class member was a bartender. She even brought photos that didn't get used in the year book.......which reminds me, I have to call brother to see if he has cork board for that......(no dice on the cork board). So numerous times I ask her "Who is this again?" "And that is?" The caddy-ness has already begun. I don't believe I was ever part of a clique, but it's certainly humorous hearing the comments already......

I think there will be about a 25% turnout at the Sat. event and I'm hoping to see more people, my old friends, at the Homecoming game on Fri. If not, that's o'kay, I still get to go out while Husband is the baby sitter.....for BOTH nights! I gave him the opportunity to go....he turned me out for the solo Cougar. I'm not old enough to be one right? Since all the people will be my age, it's really not a 'Cougar' occasion is it?

I'll be much more of a 'Cougar' at the party I've been invited to go to BEFORE the 20th reunion on Sat. My 'lil brother, former pseudo gal pal from work, who ditched me....has graduated from the fire academy. A few more weeks and he'll be everybody's hero! ::awwwwww!:: I'm hoping the gift will arrive before the party! We'll see!

Until later!

1 comment:

David said...


I hope your reunion went well.

I work for TV Land Prime--I wondered if you had heard of HIGH SCHOOL REUNION and THE COUGAR--two shows we're launching in 2009.

HIGH SCHOOL REUNION covers a 20th reunion for the class of Chandler High School in Arizona.

THE COUGAR is from the producer of THE BACHELOR and features 1 Cougar trying to pick from 20 younger guys.

Any interest? Questions? Suggestions?

Thanks for your time!
