Monday, August 11, 2008

The Wedding - Part II

Ahhhh, so you're thinking 'the wedding is over, the reception should be a breeze'......well, of course you remember I didn't know about the baby sitter, so I watched my little ones, her cousins and the other flower girl run around.......and around and around. We went up to my room, as I had promised a snack and sucker and she got it! I took them to go potty down by the reception........there was a lot to do! I think I got 1/2 glass of vino in......

I just wanted to take a second to say that the bride looked amazing! Just beautiful. I think that's when I got to appreciate how wonderful she looked!

So as the kids were running around....they had drinks on the side lawn while they changed the tent over from the ceremony setting to the dinner setting. During dinner, Handsome wanted nothing to do with sitting. So I think I got about, no joke here, 7 bites of my dinner in......It was at this point I found out where the sitter was.......I tired to leave Handsome with her who was smiling when I left to go get Sweet Pea, but was in tears when I got go there..... In the mean time, Sweet Pea had told Daddy at the dinner table that 'my eyes are closing!!!' which means, she's so tired, she'll fall asleep any second. So Husband took her in his arms, where she immediately fell asleep. I continued to chase my little man.

Our family time was up. The kids needed to go upstairs. We made our way through the tent and were heading to the elevators where the Wedding Planner stopped us and said, 'You can't leave yet, the Bride has a surprise for the Groom'. She hastily walked away and Husband gave me "the look". I shrugged, raised the eyes "You Wanna?" hoping he'd stay, which he said "No Way!".

I told him I'd come upstairs after the 'surprise'. I was glad I watched the fireworks and it was pretty cool. The DJ announced the Bride had a special surprise for the Groom, so could everyone head over to the lake side. It as really pretty cool. Two songs worth of fireworks from a barge. I really wanted to stay, but with a 16 month old, you really can't and made my way up to the room. I stayed for a few minutes. Sweet Pea was already undressed and sound, and I mean SOUND, asleep in her (or should I say our) bed. Husband was kicking back and told me to go back and have a good time.

By this time, the reception had moved into ballroom of the hotel for desserts and dancing. Mind you, we had to have MORE desserts than just the adorable mini-banana splits! Yum!!! Unfortunately, big unfortunately here, I missed the Best-Man's speech........(the Groom's Twin brother).....Auuugggh! Can't a girl catch a break? I found Nana and my Oldest Brother. At that point Nana said, I'll head up to the room so Husband can come down and have a dance with you. I did get to hear 3 more speeches which were great! The Matron of Honor, Sister-In-Law's Boss and my Father.

The Bride and Groom danced an adorable dance together, including a hip bump and my brother picking her up and spinning her in his arms. There was lots of dancing and a sweets table which was a nice touch. Eventually my Oldest Brother went up to the room to reprieve Husband, who was almost asleep at that point. I got to dance one dance with Husband (a slow one, he can't dance what so ever) and he retreated back to the room. Thank you Big Brother!

I witnessed the cake cutting, the throwing of the bouquet and garter. I am glad I was there, really I was and I would go with my family again. It was important for me to be there. Would I do things differently? Knowing what I know now? Absolutely!

The night ending wit the Bride and Groom jumping on a cool refinished boat which took them on a ride around the lake. I got back to my room at 12:30 is that am or pm? The ride up to the room in the elevator was shared with a drunken, barely standing man, who oddly tried to pick me up...."where are you going?" he asked. "Luckily nowhere with you" I responded...... With that giggle to myself I made back to the room.....YAWWWNNNN!!!!

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