Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Adventures in Babysitting

Last night, we babysat for a neighbor's baby. Mind you, I'd only talked to this neighbor over the fence, but she must've thought we were all right seeing we have two healthy and happy children! They are from out of state so family babysitters are scarce. I can't imagine not having family around!

Their daughter was a sweet little thing! Healthy eater! I was instantly put into a setting of what it would be like to have three kids! Poor Handsome had to 'share' Mommy. He was not too happy about that, but he did relax and he actually was quite helpful, getting the baby's toys and picking up things I asked of him. Not that there was any cause, but he didn't bite his sister, no did he throw anything (even accidentally) at the baby! I think that's pretty good for a first time! I immediately took him out of the 'baby' category that I keep him in, but he's grateful to be back in that seat again today!

Sweet Pea was stuck eating her lengthy dinner through much of the sitting. Not that there was too much food, no more than usual, but the distraction of a new baby in the house added to her typical distractions stretched dinner to an hour and a half for her.......Why can't I have normal children who eat normal meals?

Of course I was told that this baby sleeps through the night. Which, for a parent whose children did and do not do that, is irritating! Well! ::huff:: That's just spectacular for you! I'm so envious of parent's whose children sleep through I can't even begin to describe it! The baby is about 7 months old. I was still holding Sweet Pea in my arms through the night at 7 months! I swear her digestive tract is funky and it never allowed her to be comfortable! Lucky me! Looking back, that is where the bond came through. I had no idea at the time, but I do now! Those are my two jealous things: children who eat well and children who sleep well. Ya can't have it all, and I must say, other than those two minor things (in the realm of what could be wrong) I'd have to say both my children are quite the keepers!

It was also very sweet to see Husband playing on the floor with a little one! It makes me sad to think we are done, but let's face it....we're old, money doesn't grow on trees and the effort that it takes for us to even become pregnant is demanding as there are a lot of people involved......not your typical Man and Woman scenario!

Sweet Pea has a Pre-school program today for Grandparents! I'm sad I'm missing her first program debut and wished I had asked my folks to tape it, but I do want them to enjoy it and not be worried about taping it! I'm looking forward to a report after work.

Big Bird Day is at the In-Law's, we're in charge of sweet potatoes (one of my favorites!) and chicken livers wrapped in bacon (one of Husband's favorites). I've attempted to start a new healthy living regime, which started yesterday. So, yesterday I did great and so far this morning things are going well. Wonder if it'll be an avalanche come Thursday! ::wink::

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